At CTA Outsource Solutions, we have been assisting Commodity Trading Advisors with all aspects of administration, back office operations, and accounting since 2004.

As a service provider in the Commodity Trading industry for over ten years, we have learned that the most successful traders are those that are able to focus on their trading strategies while minimizing time-consuming operational and administrative functions. On the other hand, in order to run a successful business these same functions are integral to a successful long term operation. This is a quandary that is most effectively solved with an outsourced partner such as CTA Outsource Solutions.

We recognize that each CTA is unique. As such, we tailor solutions that specifically address your needs. From assistance on a periodic project all the way to a complete daily back office operation, we have the technology and industry know-how to make your life as a CTA a little easier.

©2020 CTA Outsource Solutions