
Monthly Performance Table Preparation/Calculations

The cornerstone of our services:

  • Monthly/Quarterly performance tables for all managed accounts
  • Monthly/Quarterly composite tables
  • Management and Incentive Fee calculations and invoice preparation.
  • Capsule page updates for your Disclosure Document

Third Party Performance Verification
As regulations and due diligence become more and more stringent, it has become a necessity to have third party verification of your internally prepared performance numbers.

Monthly Tear Sheets
We will develop and update a monthly marketing letter to distribute.

Monthly Database Updates
Each month we will report your results to a variety of marketing databases.

Disclosure Documents
We can put a new D-Doc together for you and walk it through all compliance steps including the final approval at the NFA.

Record Keeping
Let us handle all of your records related to your business.

If you are new to the CTA business, we can assist you with questions that you may encounter. In addition we have a number of contacts in the industry that we can refer to you with any special needs outside our scope.











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